Nancy the Nightingale


DOB: 5/30/1995

Weight: 0.9 ounces

Age: 16

Phone:(903)-238-3593  (cell), (Home) (903)-123-4567

Address: 101, Tree Branch AVE,  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, 75693

Recent jobs: A singer at a Nursing Home in White Leaf,  California,

About me: I am a sweet Nightingale that sings people asleep. I am very good with children and little babies. I can sing my beautiful songs that keep people asleep at night when they had a hard day. My songs also sooth you, so you can just stay come and relax. I am 16 years old and very smart and strong. I would love to work at a little kid Nursery if i had the chance to because all kids love me. I don’t fall asleep very much because I wait til my boss or the sweet people I’m taking care of is sound asleep. I am a very loving and caring bird, and I’m hoping I can get a job at a Nursery soon.

College: ATM singing night college for birds

Skills: I am very small and fragile but I’m very strong and smart for my age. I can carry everything in my beak, so If you need a letter or something sent off, I’m your girl!!! I am also very fast and have lots of energy.

What classes I’m in: Spanish Class, Choir, Delivery class, and Woodshop

Television: Voice, Bird Idol,  Birdie X Factor

Radio stations: Breeze 95.3, 93.1, 105.7